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The Naked Marriage Discussion Guide
10 videos
Supporting video sessions for The Naked Marriage Discussion Guide for couples and groups. Order your discussion guide now: https://store.marriagetoday.com/collections/groups/products/the-naked-marriage-discussion-guide-for-couples-and-groups
Follow along with Dave and Ashley as they talk about h...
2020 XO Conference
16 videos
The 2020 XO Conference includes 15 LIVE teaching sessions from the premier XO Marriage event of the year. These sessions cover a variety of marriage topics from world-class speakers such as Jimmy Evans, Dave & Ashley Willis, Robert Morris, Michael Todd and more!
The Four Laws of Love
4 videos
The Four Laws of Love outlines the foundational pillars of the most sacred relationship on earth: marriage. This series sounds a wake-up call for every kind of marriage. Including those that are barely surviving and those that seem to operate on autopilot. Couples who follow these simple guidelin...