I Am David

I Am David

We serve a great God who has made everyone in His image and has called all of us to a life of greatness—no one has been called to a life of mediocrity or failure. However, many people just don’t know how to get there. They’ve never been shown the way, or maybe they have some major obstacles to overcome, but they still hear the whisper of greatness in their hearts.

This series from Jimmy Evans is designed to help every person attain God’s call to greatness. Studying the life of King David reveals a truly great man and a man after God’s heart.

David was a truly human, fallible man who attained greatness in spite of failures and setbacks. This example reveals how all of us can become great for God.

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I Am David
  • David the Warrior - Jimmy Evans

    In this first message of a series based on the life of King David, Jimmy Evans explores how David achieved greatness on the battlefield only to fall from greatness after returning from war. In one arena, David served God. In the other, he served himself. Are you on the battlefield? Are you where ...

  • David the Worshipper - Jimmy Evans

    Sharing lessons in greatness from the life of King David, who introduced praise and worship to Israel, Jimmy Evans reveals the importance of worship in our lives. He explains the three things we must overcome to be worshippers, and why it takes effort and energy to seek the presence of God.

  • David the Wounded Son - Jimmy Evans

    One of the secrets of greatness is being able to admit your weaknesses. In this message based on the life of King David, Jimmy Evans shows how David’s failures as a parent stemmed from the rejection of his own father. David refused to face his pain. To reach our own destiny today, we must rise ab...

  • David the Winner - Jimmy Evans

    God never designs anyone to be mediocre. In this message based on the life of King David, Jimmy Evans uses the story of David and Goliath to show how—even today—we can accomplish remarkable things for God. He shares the difference between a fear thinker and a faith thinker when it comes to slayin...

  • David the Waiting King (Part 1) - Jimmy Evans

    Humans need authority. Truly great people humble themselves under God’s direct authority and God’s delegated authority on earth. In this message about the life of King David, Jimmy Evans shares how David trusted God while submitting to authority and how this aligns with the example of Jesus.

  • David the Waiting King (Part 2) - Jimmy Evans

    God is a God of authority. Greatness occurs as we humble ourselves under God’s direct and delegated authority. In this message based on the life of King David, Jimmy Evans reveals the four tests of submission to authority based on Scripture. He also details the differences between suffering and a...

  • David the Whisper of Pride - Jimmy Evans

    We were created for greatness, but pride is a terrible, damaging sin. In the concluding message of this series on the life of David, Jimmy Evans examines why David’s pride provoked God’s judgment. God blesses us when we walk in humility, but will never bless us when we are walking in pride.