The Best Day of Your Life

The Best Day of Your Life

Jimmy Evans delivers a fascinating and inspiring series about what to look forward to when Jesus returns—new heavens, new earth, new bodies, new homes—and how it applies to your life right now.

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The Best Day of Your Life
  • Redeemed Bodies - Jimmy Evans

    Jesus has promised us new bodies when He returns. Our current body has weakness, but our heavenly body will have power. Our new bodies will be multidimensional being physical and spiritual.

  • Redeemed Pleasure - Jimmy Evans

    In heaven, we'll experience complete comfort, pleasure, plenty, beauty, and safety. In eternity, the presence of God will be all around us. However,
    there is one qualification—we must choose whether or not we want to go there.

  • Redeemed Authority - Jimmy Evans

    God gave Adam and Eve authority in the Garden of Eden. When they sinned, they turned over that authority to Satan. But Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection purchased back dominion of the earth. Now, we have spiritual authority. But when Jesus returns He will restore total authority to u...

  • Redeemed Home - Jimmy Evans

    We are intended to live with God forever in the home He created for us. Jesus is preparing a place for us right now for us to spend eternity with Him.

  • Redeemed Intimacy - Jimmy Evans

    When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their intimacy with God. When we are in heaven, our intimacy and relationship with God will be completely restored.