Total Freedom Journey

Total Freedom Journey

We are all born in bondage. Every person battles fear and toxic thoughts. We all carry unresolved pain from our past. Life was intended to be so much more. In these powerful messages, Jimmy Evans will help you understand the root cause of the inner struggles you experience every day. You'll learn how to overcome discouragement, addiction, anger and unforgiveness. Break the chains and experience total freedom in every area of your life.

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Total Freedom Journey
  • The Promise of Total Freedom - Jimmy Evans

    Jesus promises freedom to every person. Freedom isn’t about being set free from something or someone. Freedom is about being set free to love God and people properly. Bondage keeps us from loving God and others the way we should.

  • Freedom From Your Past - Jimmy Evans

    Every one of us comes from imperfect families, but most people don’t know how to deal with issues that stem from past experiences when they arise. In this video, Jimmy walks you through crucial steps to take to become completely free from your past.

  • Total Mental Freedom - Jimmy Evans

    Someone can be saved and still like a life of total bondage to thoughts that don’t align with the Word of God, but Jesus came to liberate our minds. Knowing that the primary battlefield satan attacks is in the area of our mind is the first step to freedom.

  • Freedom from Discouragement and Depression - Jimmy Evans

    Our birthright, as Christians, is total freedom. Jesus didn’t die on the cross to simply give us the ability to cope. He died for us to have the ability to conquer over our emotions, circumstances, and depression.